Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Gifts for Him

I'll assume "him" doesn't refer to me, but still help you out with some ideas for gifts for him. These gifts for him run from the practical to outrageous, but all make good gifts.

Gifts for Him

And here we go…

1. Brother MPrint Bluetooth Mobile Printer – A practical gadget, this mobile printer lets him print wherever he is from his Palm or PDA device. The printer is wireless and about a half inch thick and five or so inches long. This mobile printer will set you back $380, but look for rebates and specials.

2. John Cleese – Wine for the Confused DVD – A humorous take from the Monty Python veteran. Cleese takes you on an epic study of the finer and…less finer points of wine. Cleese covers how to pick, what they are, how they are grown and so on. A DVD that will teach you something and make you laugh a bit. Expect to pay $15 or so at most retailers.

3. Arcade Games – Remember when you used to sit in the mall pumping quarters into arcade games. Missile command, Pac Man, Donkey Kong…ah, all that wasted time. Well, now you can buy replicas of the actual arcade games you used to play. The consoles are the same as you used to stand in front of, but now they have loads of games on them. This is a big ticket item, so you might want to look away before reading the price range of…$3,000 to $5,000 depending on the console and number of games you order.

4. Nomad Writing Journals – If you're buying for a person that loves the outdoors or to travel, Nomad Writing Journals make great gifts. These journals are tailored to activities such as travel, fly fishing, bird watching, backpacking, camping, rock climbing and so on. They come with or without a case and provide writing space as well as cues for writing down important information. A great keepsake to preserve their travel and outdoor experiences. The journals cost as low as $9 without waterproof case and $25 with case.

5. Bully Bag – Okay, this one is off the charts for unusual gifts. The Bully Bag is a bull scrotum mounted on a solid oak base. Don't worry, it's coated and sealed with polyethylene. Great conversation piece and good for keeping change and stuff in. He'll nearly die from tears of laughter. The Bully Bag measures, on average, 6 inches by 7 inches. Hey, there bulls! Expect to pay $40 online for this hilarious gift.

Finding gifts for him isn't that hard. Just stay away from sweaters and ties.

Guide To Bunn Coffee Makers

Are you one of those people who can't get moving in the morning without that morning cup of coffee? If you are, you aren't alone. Homes across the country are home to Bunn coffee makers, espresso or cappuccino makers to get people up and ready to face the day. Bunn is one of the best known names in home coffee machines and has a solid reputation for quality.

Features of Coffee Makers

The company makes seven different machines, with features for every need. Models come in single servings all the way up to a ten-cup machine. The number of coffee drinkers in your house and the number of cups each drinks will help determine the size of the machine you need. You can choose other features for convenience.

Timers are a great feature to have in a coffee maker. You can get everything ready before you go to bed and wake to a deliciously brewed pot. Fill the machine with water and coffee grounds and set the timer for just a few minutes before your alarm clock will go off. The machine will do the rest.

The machines made by this company have a smaller footprint than other machines of the same size. This helps save space in your kitchen. They will fit either under your cabinets or in the corner of your kitchen counter, without taking up too much space in your cooking area. A variety of colors and styles are available to match your décor.

The History of Coffee Makers

Bunn has a long history as a pioneer in home coffee making. The company developed the first paper coffee filter. These were initially created for use in commercial machines and later for home use. They also developed the first pour over machine and the first automatic drip machine. 

The cost of these machines is slightly higher than those made by other companies. You are paying for quality in this price difference. They are better quality and more durable than any other machine. The Bunn o Matic is the machine chosen most by restaurants and coffee houses. In the home market, this company also has the best reputation.

NHB Bunn Coffee Makers

The company continues to improve their products with the new NHB machine. The NHB has a pour over system to brew a great cup and also makes hot water for tea or hot chocolate. The thermostat ensures the perfect temperature and the water distribution system helps the water flow evenly over the grounds. Other great features of this machine include:

The showerhead water dispersion system gently diffuses the water over the grounds. This helps extract the maximum flavour.

The pour over heating system stays on and ready to brew. If you are going away for more than a few days, turn off the vacation switch in the back of the machine.

The commercial thermostat maintains the perfect temperature.

A descaling rod is included to clean out build up from the spray head. Directions are included to clean the machine properly.

A ceramic warming plate keeps the drink at the perfect temperature. This is controlled with a switch.

o The water reservoir funnels water into the broiling system, where the water is heated.
o The machine comes with special filters, a user's manual and the descaler tool. 

Foods And Exercises For A Healthy Heart

A healthy heart is necessary for a healthy life. If you get any heart disease then you will lose a lot in your life even though you have a lot of money. Eating healthy to maintain a healthy heart is an essential thing in life. You have to be careful in choosing your food so that you can avoid any heart disease. Your food should contain less of fat, sodium, calories and have more fiber content.

Meat, butter, cheese, and milk contain more fat and hence they should be taken in fewer quantities. If you take less sodium your blood pressure is reduced to some extent and this helps in avoiding the risks of a heart disease. Problems of the heart come to the persons who are obese. It is essential to reduce the weight to avoid a heart disease. To reduce weight you have to take fewer calories. Foods that contain more fiber content can be taken. Fruits, vegetables, and grains contain more fiber content.

One of the other factors that lead to a heart disease is a sedentary life style. People who have this style of life should do some exercise that aims at strengthening your heart. With the advent of technology based jobs more and more people are working in computers. These people who work in the computer often sit before the computer without doing any physical activity. The only thing that is active is their brain and their fingers! Such people should take frequent breaks to have a little walk which can refresh them to a greater extent. Some people try to relax by sitting before the television. Either you sit before your computer or in front of the TV. This is also a bad habit. If you want to relax try to take a walk outside. Walking is a good exercise for your heart. A brisk walk for about 40 minutes daily will change your life beyond your expectations. Try it 

Cardiovascular or aerobic exercise can also be done to strengthen your heart. Some of the aerobic exercises are bicycling, jogging, jumping rope and skating. These exercises can be done for at least 20 to 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week. It is better to have an exercise schedule every alternate day. This habit makes you do your exercises regularly and without getting tired. If you are overweight then it is time to a look at your work schedule and allot some time for exercises. This will help you in the long way to have a healthy heart.

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year unless you're having problems coming up with gift ideas. Here are a few fly fishing gift ideas.

Okay, I'll be the first one to admit publicly that buying gifts for the holidays can be a pain in derriere. When it comes right down to it, how well do you know someone and how do you know what he or she likes? Buying for kids is great because you can always peak at the letter to Santa. Unfortunately, most adults have given up writing to Santa and you really don't want to read through there other letters. Fortunately, this isn't a problem if you are buying for a fly fishing enthusiast.

Fly Fishing Gifts

Fly fishing is an extremely popular sport and a good way to become one with nature. Of course, you probably don't care about any of that. Instead, you want to know what you should buy for guy or gal in your life that loves to go fly fishing. Well, here are a few ideas.

1. Flies – You lucky dog, the top gift you can give a fly fisherman is a fly. Flies are the "bait" that go on the end of the line and are used to attract fish. Flies come in a variety of types and forms. The most basic are Nymphs and Mayflies, which mimic a type of bug that lives in rivers and is considered fine dining by bass and other fish. You can expect to pay a couple of bucks per fly, so feel free to buy more than one.

2. Local Specialty Fly – Okay, this will take a bit of effort on your part. Every fishing area has a specialty fly that is known to have fish leaping out of the water before casting even begins. Since the exact fly varies from location to location, you need to stop by a local fishing store and ask for advice. Try to pick a beat up looking shop with gentlemen of an older persuasion. They'll talk your ear off, but you'll get something unique.

3. Fly Station – Okay, this is going to be a more costly item. A fly station looks like a small desk and for a good reason. The fly station is where your beloved angler will sit and create his or her own flies. Part of the allure of fly fishing is tying your own flies and fly stations are built for this purpose. You can expect to pay as low as $75 and as high as anyone has the never to charge.

4. Nomad Fly Fishing Journals – A little self-promotion here. Nomad Fly Fishing Journals are compact writing journals that let anglers keep notes on their efforts. They can note the fishing conditions, which flies worked the best, who the fished with and notes on what they should do differently next time. You can click the link at the bottom of this article to see the journals and expect to pay $25 for the journal and waterproof case.

If you're looking for fly fishing gifts, consider yourself lucky. The equipment tends to be inexpensive and last a very long time.


Use This Simple Time Tested Process And Move Your Business Forward In 2006!

Another year is just about ready to finish and it is time to start thinking about next year. If you own your own business or you manage a business division, then you need to ask yourself if all of the expectations that were set forth at the beginning of the year were met. If not then maybe what stopped you was a lack of goals and objectives, or just a lack of a good process to use when planning them. The goal setting process is essential to the success or failure of the business, and many careers have derailed due to a lack of them. Goals and objectives apply to everyone involved.

Being a business owner or a manager implies an inherent responsibility to insure plans are worked on, followed through on, and accomplished. The process that is used can and will determine whether or not you will finish the year with your hat in hand, or be congratulated for a job well done.

If you are a business manager, you were given a mission statement by the organization. This mission statement is the overarching goal of the organization. It does not tell you how it will be done. It just implies that it "is" done. It is your job to determine what resources you will need in order to make them come to fruition.

If you are the owner of the business, then you either have a business plan and or a mission statement. You should have both. Take this information and begin to formulate the things that need to be accomplished, the time period in which they need to be accomplished and by whom they need to be accomplished by.

This is goal setting. Understanding and expressing "what" needs to be done, "why" it needs to be done, "when' it needs to be done, and finally, "how" it will be done is the goal setting scenario. Goals should be just beyond your reach. Just past your fingertips. If they are too far out there, you will not reach them and will become disappointed. Too close, and they will not be worthwhile at advancing your company or your career.

Start using the SMAC method in setting goals and objectives and always remember goals and objectives are not one in the same, though many people think they are. Goals are where you want to end up. Objectives are the steps to get there.

S stands for Specific. Make the goal as specific as possible. Stating a goal that says you want more customers is not specific. How many more customers? More customers than when? If you state you want more customers, then getting one customer today is more customers. This is not a goal, it is a hope. To be more specific, simply state that you want to increase your customer base for the first quarter of next year by 20% over your first quarter in the previous year. If you know what that number needs to be, that is even better.

M stands for Measurable. The goal must be measurable otherwise, how will you know if you are making progress? How will you know if you have accomplished the goal if it cannot be measured? Anything that is specific enough can be measured. The measurement method may take you some time to work up, but it can be measured if it is specific.

In the example above, if we stated we want more customers. Can you measure that? Now look at the rewrite: increase customer base for the first quarter of next year by 20% over the first quarter of the previous year. Can this be measured? Of course it can. Your goals need to be fluid enough that you can tweak them, make small adjustments here and there as needed in order to insure they are accomplished. Again, if you are the manager or the owner, you need to have a method that you will be able to periodically check the goals to make sure you are on track.  

A stands for Achievable. Is the goal achievable by you or whoever needs to accomplish it? To say you want to triple your businesses income in the next 3 months is probably not achievable. Oh, you may hit the lottery or sell your business, but most likely, the goal of tripling your income over the next 3 months is more of a dream than it is a goal.

If you were to state that you want to increase your businesses income by 10% over the next 3 months you have a more achievable goal. It is just beyond your reach, can be measured and is achievable by means that you have or knowledge you can go and get. Another words, the learning curve is not going to be straight up in order for you to accomplish this.

C stands for Consistent. Is the goal consistent with the business plan and or the mission statement? If it is not, then achieving the goal will not move you, the business, or your career forward. And after all, isn't moving forward what it's all about? Make sure you set the goal consistent with the overall plans. To have a plan to have the best customer service response in your industry and then setting a goal to respond to customer inquiries in 7 business days or less, certainly does not seem to be consistent. A goal of responding to customer inquiries within 12 hours would be more consistent with the overarching plan.

Set a timeframe that you will accomplish the goal. By setting a timeframe you instill a sense of urgency that it needs to be paid attention to and accomplished. If you don't set a timeline, then there will be a tendency to put it off, or start it at a later date. The goal will not seem as important.

Set goals with the people that work for you. In order for you to get more done as the owner or the manager, your people need to be advancing the organization as well. Teach them this process. Take the time and work with them to set 3 or 4 goals that will make them stretch their abilities. It will help improve them and the company at the same time. And don't forget the most important part of working with your people: Following up. By having goals that you helped them to create and they participated in, you can step in at frequent intervals, measure the progress of the goals and discuss with them what challenges they are having and how to resolve them in order to successfully complete the goals.

When 2006 is over, your business or career will have advanced and you will be proud of your accomplishments knowing that it didn't just happen by chance, but by good planning and execution.

Making Custom Badges

ID Badges are used anywhere these days. They are used in the hospital as medical cards that provide discounts and benefits. ID badges are a standard operating procedure in schools, companies and libraries. ID badges help to ensure security and maintain organization. Of course, these badges are also used for personal use. You could use them as souvenir for a birthday celebration, you could make use of badges for small, private groups and clubs, for a small production like the school play, or just for fun.

1. Materials

There are many available kinds of paper to choose from in making your custom badges. The shape of the ID would depend on your preference if it would be vertical or horizontal. The materials of the badge would depend on the design and how authentic you want the badge to look, if you are attempting to replicate a specific look.

- Laminated badge
- Dimension is 2 1/8 x 3 ½

- Sticker badge
- Can be purchased on bookstores
- Premium quality specialty paper
- satin cloth
- and card board

- Transparent plastic cards

2. Design

The design of your custom badges would depend on what the badge is for. If it the badge is going to be used in a formal occasion or organization, present the design with a sophisticated style. The color is your choice.

Ask yourself or the members of your organization what information is to be placed on the custom badges. The position of the information is also important because this would serve as identification of the person bearing it. The choices of the card could contain an organization or company logo and name, student or employee number, signature of the bearer for verification purposes, contact numbers, expiry date of the card, and control numbers. It is up to you where you would place the information. Make sure that you provide a space for the picture and signature if you require this information.  

3. Scanning

It is important for you to obtain all the data you need in completing your custom badge for you to scan it into your computer. All the images should be formatted in jpg for best pixel imagery. The standard size of picture on the identification badge is 1x1 or nothing smaller than a mail stamp.

If you plan the custom badges to contain the signatures of the bearer, make sure to collect them on a piece of paper at least standard letter size. After obtaining the signatures, scan it into your computer and save it as a file type that retains the detail of the signature, such as a .jpg or better.

4. Preparation

Open software that allows you to edit your images (eg. Adobe Photoshop). You could adjust the shade of the picture if it does not match your design.

- Set up the dimensions of the canvas to those desired
- Unlock the background layer and fill it with white or your desired background image
- Cut the picture from the file and paste it in a new layer above the background
- Resize as necessary, and position where desired
- Create text areas for all of the text required, using a desired font
- Print on high quality paper

5. Laminating

After printing the card, make sure to dry it for 20 minutes. If it the ink has dried, it is now safe to laminate it with a plastic cover. Make sure to measure the card and the cover before starting lamination. The lamination will require at least an inch of space.

Trademark Registration in India

A trademark refers to any word , symbol or letters or a combination of these that is used to mark the product so as to distinguish it from the product of another producer. The trademark is useful to make the public aware of the producer or the source of the product. Trademarks play a significant role in product marketing and thus there are certain rules laid down for the registration of trademarks. Every country or nation has a set of rules governing the registration of trademarks. India also has laid down a set of laws governing the registration of trademarks. For trademarks registeration in India the owner has to file an application in writing with the Registrar of Trade Marks in the required format.

Different states of India have their own particular offices wherein one can file the application for trademark registration . For instance for trademarks registration in Chennai , one has to file the application as per the prescribed format and make the payment of the fees either by cash, bank draft , money order or postal order favouring "Deputy Registrar of Trade marks", Chennai. For any other information related to the registration of trademarks in Chennai the Deputy Registrar of Trademarks at the Trade Marks Registry in Rajaji Bhavan , Chennai may be contacted.

How to file trademark application in India

The Trade Marks Act, 1999 governs all the matters related to trademarks and holds good throughout India. By registering a particular trademark the person gets exclusive rights for its use. Although it is not compulsory by law to register a trademark , registering the trademark provides legal protection to it.  

The trademark offices in India are situated at five places namely , Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Kolkota, Delhi and Chennai. For the registration of a trademark, the application must be filed in Form TM-1 in any of the five offices of the Trademarks Registry within whose jurisdiction the business office would fall. A fee of Rs. 2500/- must accompany the application form. The application is then processed to check if the trademark is unique and not one that is already registered. If found valid then the next step would involve the publishing of the trademark in the Trade Marks Journal allowing others a chance to raise objection, if any. If it is found that there is no objection from anybody then it is registered as a valid trademark and a certificate is duly issued. In case of any objection and the application rejected by the authority the applicant has a chance for appeal to the Intellectual Property Appellate Board.

The general term for which a trademark is registered is for 10 years after which it has to be renewed . One can renew it for another 10 years after the expiry of the first 10 years. In case a registered trademark is not renewed then it is deleted from the register of trademarks.

Registering a trademark although not compulsory as per the law , is beneficial due to the legal protection that it offers.

Wedding Invitations Without Breaking a Budget

Wedding invitations, regardless of how expensive they are, are not going to blow the budget of any wedding. It is possible to purchase the most beautiful invitations and all the extras without breaking the bank. It should be fun to find the right wedding invitations and should not be one of the stressful aspects of wedding planning. When the budget is an issue, the bride and groom should consider purchasing their wedding invitations through an online retailer. This can save time and money that can be put towards other parts of wedding planning.

The most important consideration for the bride and groom is incorporating their wedding theme and tone into the wedding invitations. Often, the bride and groom are inviting distant relatives and even their parent's friends. This means that there may be no other contact with the guests besides the wedding invitations. That makes it imperative that the invitations convey the overall tone of the wedding whether it is formal or casual or has a special theme involved. This will ensure that all of the guests are properly prepared and dressed for the occasion. This means choosing wedding invitations that showcase this atmosphere without worrying about the cost.

Along with the wedding invitations, the couple is likely going to include a reply card. The reply card is just as important as the invitation itself. The bride and groom need to include a reply card that includes a line for the guests' names, whether they will be attending the wedding, how many people will be attending, and their meal choice if one is given. The bride and groom will need all of this information as they finalise the plans for their wedding. In addition, the reply card envelopes should be self-addressed and stamped.  

It is the special extras that can be added to wedding invitations that make them truly beautiful. One of the best options for the bride and groom may choose to have the envelopes printed. If the wedding is going to be a formal affair, then the bride and groom should include a tissue paper overlay. It is also a good idea to include information for out of town guests that include hotel information as well as local attractions. All of these seemingly small additions will make a big impact without breaking the budget.

Wedding invitations are the perfect way for the bride and groom to showcase their wedding. It does not need to be an expensive venture to find the perfect wedding invitations. Careful planning and researching will allow the couple to find the perfect invitations and include all of the necessary information and special extras without hurting the budget that the bride and groom have set.

Scrabble: A Must-have Board Game For Word Enthusiasts

Scrabble is actually quite simple to play. The point of this board game is to come up with a word or words by placing letter tiles on the scrabble board in such a way that the tiles would yield the most number of points. Scrabble is a great board game because it helps build vocabulary. Not only that, scrabble also helps in developing the use of logic, because it is also a game of strategy.

In order to play scrabble, you will need a scrabble set. The scrabble set consists of the scrabble board, four racks, a tile bag, and 100 letter tiles. Up to four people can play scrabble, but some people enjoy putting up teams who will pit their vocabulary skills against each other using only one scrabble set. Scrabble can also be played solo, just like the card game solitaire.

A dictionary would also be handy for challenges. There is an official scrabble game dictionary available, but any other dictionary will do.

Scoring in Scrabble

Scoring in scrabble is determined by two things: the value of the tiles used in the word and the placement of the tiles on the board. There is also a 50-point bonus for players who were able to utilize all their tiles in one single round.

As said earlier, there are 100 letter tiles in each scrabble set. These tiles consist of 98 tiles with the letters of the alphabet, as well as two blank tiles. A player can assign any letter to a blank tile.

These letter tiles have the following values. These values are said to be based on how common these letters appear in the words of the English language.

* 0 point â€" blank tiles

* 1 point â€" A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T, U
* 2 points â€" D, G
* 3 points â€" B, C, M, P
* 4 points â€" F, H, V, W, Y
* 5 points â€" K
* 8 points â€" J, X
* 10 points â€" Q, Z

As for the scrabble board, this board is made up of 15 x 15 squares that are separated by gridlines. Some of these squares are colored to indicate bonus scores, either for the letter placed on the square or the whole word that covers the space that includes the square. These bonus squares are:

* Double Letter Score â€" typically a light blue square, it doubles the value of the letter tile that was placed on it.

* Triple Letter Score â€" usually a dark blue square that trebles the value of the letter tile placed upon it.
* Double Word Score â€" a pink or light red square that doubles the total value of a word when one of the tiles of this word lands on it.
* Triple Word Score â€" a dark red square that triples the total value of a word when one of the tiles making up this word is placed on it.

Whenever a word is played on the board in scrabble, the value of the doubled and tripled letters, whenever applicable, are added to the value of the other tiles used for the word. This sum is then doubled or tripled if the word covers a square with a double-word or a triple-word score. The resulting number is the player’s score for that word.

If a blank tile lands on a double- or triple-letter square, the score of the tile remains zero. However, if this blank tile is placed on a double- or a triple-word square, the bonus applies for the word that includes the blank tile.

If a whole word touches two double-word squares, then the value of the word is doubled twice. If the whole word touches two triple-word squares, then its value is tripled, and then tripled again.

If a player manages to use all seven of his tiles in a single round, he gets a 50-point bonus in addition to the computed value of the word he played.

The bonuses on these special squares are applicable only during the turn wherein the tiles that landed on them were first placed.

The Rules of the Scrabble Board Game

This is the procedure by which scrabble is played:

1. At the start of the scrabble game, each player draws one tile from the tile bag to determine who will play first. The player who draws a blank tile, the letter A or any letter closest to the start of the alphabet goes first, and the play goes clockwise from this first player. All tiles drawn at this point will be returned to the bag. All players are then allowed to draw a fresh set of seven tiles in turns starting from the first player. These tiles are placed on the racks provided and must be kept away from view. At any given point, a player is allowed only seven tiles on his rack.

2. On every turn, a player is allowed to play a word or either exchange his tiles or pass his turn. The first player must form a word using two or more tiles and place these tiles on the star at the center square of the scrabble board, whether horizontally or vertically, as long as this word touches the star square.

3. Any player may pass his turn. When he makes a pass, he may be allowed to replace his tiles if he wishes to. He must return the tiles he wishes to exchange into the tile bag first before drawing new tiles.

4. Once a player is done placing his tiles on the scrabble board, his score is then calculated as described in the previous section. He is then allowed to replace the tiles he has played.

5. The subsequent players may make their plays on the scrabble board by either:

a. Adding one or more tiles at the beginning of a word to form a new word.

b. Adding tiles at a perpendicular angle to an already played word, using one of the tiles of the said word.
c. Placing the tiles parallel to an already played word; where the tiles of the new word touch the tiles of the old word, other new words should be formed.
d. Putting a single tile to an already played word.

6. A player may challenge his opponent's word before the scores have been tallied. This is the only time that the dictionary may be opened. If the challenged word is proven unacceptable, the challenged player takes back his tiles and loses his turn.

A scrabble game ends when the tile bag is empty and a player places his last tile on the board. It also ends when all players have passed in two consecutive turns. At this point, all scores are tallied. If a player has unused tiles at the end of the game, the value of his tiles are subtracted from his total score. The player who first used up all his tiles gets the value of all the unused tiles of his opponents added to his own score. The person who gets the highest score wins the board game.