Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Personality Characteristics

The Overbearing Type: Typical personality traits of the overbearing type include a deep look of concern that mars their eyes, which is often accompanied by knitted eyebrows and an ever ready nodding (almost bobbing) head while speaking to seniors. A slightly toned down version of narcissistic personality disorder, these people wish to impose themselves on others in every situation and are (if they may say so themselves) incessantly 'brimming with ideas'. Harnessing the values and traits inherited from their (expectedly) identical overbearing grandmothers, they wish to prove themselves right every step of the way. The kind that would make eager beavers seem like lethargic sloths, they open the door before opportunity can knock on it. Hence, although they may be a valuable asset in an office, often winning the affections of bosses and head honchos, they remain a species that colleagues and juniors very consciously try to avoid.

The Pacific Type: An ever pleasant smile and bright expressive eyes, accompanied by a 'ladies first' kind of rare-to-find-today courteous gentlemanly manners lands a person in this category. They are characterized by three 'C's - calm, composed and containing common sense. Although these personality traits make them better husbands than bosses, a relatively laid back attitude, accompanied by a non-dominating nature yet in possession of good decision-making skills, would categorize a person as being the pacific type - that is, someone who is calm on the surface but moving underneath, just like the Pacific (or for that matter any) ocean.

The Insouciant Type: If you find a person with a dreamy look in his eyes, which are half drooping with a 'devil-may-care, or probably even he doesn't' attitude, then you've landed yourself with the insouciant type. These traits are typical of those seen at the other end of the spectrum of type A personality traits. They seem to be good listeners but beware, for they only seem to be listening, when they actually might be dreaming of the latest Lamborghini model (or maybe the latest swimsuit model, who is to know?). Looking like they are perennially deprived of sleep, they cast out periodic yawns which are dangerously contagious (and dangerously timed). Hence, needless to say, they aren't exactly an asset for any firm that is out to make profit. In other words, they are natures own counter-products to the overbearing type.

The Talkative Type: You may never get around to seeing their face because, you are way too preoccupied with trying to figure out a way of getting them to shut up. They brag, blabber, boast and back bite. Lawyers, secretaries, mothers-in-law all typically fall under this category. The energy that the brain is supposed to expend on coming up with ideas, is instead expended on overuse and abuse of the vocal cords. So, although not exactly an asset in the office (their mindless rant might just miraculously contain a hidden worth-pondering-over idea) they are indispensable for two reasons. Firstly, they are the ones that are often given the unenviable task (which they proudly take upon themselves) of doing presentations in the office with colorful slides that hurt the eyes, and loud and long words that hurt the ears. Also, they form the vital group of people that linger around the water cooler all day and pass on the office gossip. So, as an after thought, they are an evil necessity as offices without these personality types would be truly boring.

The Jittery Type: When it comes to the jittery type, nervousness is in their blood. Typical personality characteristics would include that even in freezing temperatures, beads of sweat are seen around their temple area. They have flickering eyes, quivering lips and an overall look of a person with the secret knowledge of a huge impending calamity. Their shirts or pants are often coffee stained as a result of the ceaseless tremors of their hands. They seem like the type who've been bullied to a pulp during their childhood, which has scarred them for life, thus exemplifying the need for personality and health correlation. They invite pitiful glances without even asking for any. Hence, although they may be exceptionally bright, their practically non existent PR skills will more often than not, land them with a back office job.

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